Tuesday 7 April 2009

Harrington needs your help..

Hey TTV buddies.

So, I've finally been hit by the recession, right in the face. I haven't got enough money in my bank to pay my direct debits. I actually considered cancelling Xbox LIVE... desperate times. I've been on the phone to Abbey all day, but they were having none of it. Now I'm in debt, and I have to pay up £45 by the 18th, but I have no income before then. If they try and charge me, and I eat further into my overdraft, who knows what travesties will happen.

So, I've been thinking of possible ways I can make money, fast, and with the least amount of effort.
So far, I've had only 2 successes:
  • - Emptied my piggy bank, £1.94
  • - "Mum, can I have a tenner?", £5

Now, along with £1.26 in my wallet, that makes my total net worth, £8.20
£45/£8.20 =

£36.80 - my new goal.

I've decided to do 4 things to get more money, and I've listed them below, in hope that some of you generous TTV fans will help.

1) I am going to make a video appeal, to help you all understand a bit more. I will try and get this uploaded next week. So watch this space.

2) Check out some of the random things I am selling, and make a bid or two.
I will be adding items every day, so keep checking back.

3) Suggestions! With the answers to questions like:
Any good eBay tips?
How can I make fast money?
What are your bank details?
Send them to theteam@tropicaltv.co.uk and we'll post your comments up, so make them funny.

4) Make a kind donation to the cause:

Thank you.


  1. you bloody tramp, fuck off.

  2. hahahaha
    its called a joke.

    ill donate 1p.

  3. i gotcha harrington..

    shinny quid coming your way..
